Judges 11:1-10.
In many cases left over foods,dirts, pure.water sacks,broken plastics and so many other things that are termed dirty in the sight of men are been gathered and thrown into the bin because according to the views of men they are of no use any more.
I was going through a refuse dump today when my attention was directed to some group of men who are picking different kinds of dirts for the purpose of recycling.
* It is the act of converting wastes into reusable materials.
* It is the act of restoring a useless material into a state of usefulness.
* To return a material to a previous stage.
* To make a wasted material to go through a process of transformation for proper usage.
Looking at the word recycled it means the material has gone through the above processes.
In many cases people who are termed useless and wasted are the people God normaly set apart for his gretaer works.
In our above case study the family of Jephthah made his realised how unacceptable and useless he is in their midst because he happen to be the child of an harlot, some are termed illegitimate, unacceptable, rejected, thrown away but God has a way of recycling a rejected person and turn him into a force to reckon with.
* Have you been termed forsaken
* Have you been underestimated
* Have you been looked down upon
* Have you been called by the name unacceptable
* Have you been marginalised
* Have you been called a mistake
* Have you been called unworthy
* Have you been called unwanted
* Has anyone told you, you dont worth anything
* Have you been looked down upon
Because of your foundation, your educational and family background, your place in the family, your past mistakes and errors or even because you have one particular defect or the other?
God is a recycler he never get tired, he is still in the bussiness of turning the wasted life to inhabited, he is still in the bussiness of making king out of a slave, he still has the power to make usse of someone termed unacceptable.
Gods standard of choosing or declaring someone a champion is far different from the knowledge of men all you need to do is to FOCUS on what the power of God can achieve through your weaknesses, learn to take your eyes off your defects becauuse you are GODS PROJECT IN PROGRESS.....
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