Saturday, 22 June 2013

The Appointed Time

.... The appointed time... Eccle. 3:1-11 CASE STUDY: JOSEPH Genesis 37: 1 - 36 over the time through the bible i have read several stories about different men of and women of faith, those that walked with God facind different kind of challenges and confrontations. todays message is going to be centered on the little boy loved by his father and hated by his brothers because of envy. Joseph started experiencing the move of God at his tender age, God begin to show him how great his future will be if he walk uprightly with him, Joseph trusted God to fulfil his words for him but one thing i learnt is that even though you have received so many promises from God there are CHANNELS OF FULFILMENT you must pass through, this channels actually make it possible for us to enter into divine programs for our life. Joseph received the promise but he had to go through these channels until the time appointed for the fulfilments because for every promises God has given to us there is an appointed time for the actualization, when a farmer plants any tyope of seed he must learn to wait patiently for the season of harvest, in the sight of God, there is A SEASON OF PROMISE AND A SEASON OF FULFILMENT, in order to graduate from the season of promise into the season of fulfilments there are channels or phases our life must go through. SO WHAT ARE THE CHANNELS OR THE PHASES? 1. Believing the promises received: as Christian we must believe everything that God has promised us believing is the first step to receiving, when God told Abraham to get out of his fathers house to a land he will show him he believed so he received, so we must learn to believe everything God has said to us. 2. Waiting and Nurturing the promise; habbakuk 2:2 As a farmer nurtures their seeds waiting patiently for the rain, and looking towards the harvest time we must as well be ready to wait and nurture all promises received from God with care, we must never give up on waiting for him to fulfil his words, 3. Watching: we must also learn to pass through the channel of watching over the promises to make sure no power takes the promise away from us, never be careless to loose the promise, never allow situations to take your attention away from the promise, because during the waiting hour many thing will come to tempt us to make us shift our attention, see Joseph he was betrayed by his brothers and was sold in order to avert the promises of God for his life but because God has programmed each fulfilment for a season sometimes he delibrately make us to go through the perid of testing, trials and temptations to empower us and prepare us for the fulfilment we must never allow anything to divert our attentions. 4. The next face you must also pass though while waiting for our fulfilment is learnint to live through mockery and despise, while waiting looking up to God for our fulfilment, just like they did to Elisha, people will mock, despise us, call us names but we must never allow ourself to be distracted focus your eyes on the prize of the race. 5. The last face you enter into after you have done all things well by waiting and nurturing the promises through tick and thin, through mockery and despise, then God will usher you into his appointed time and season. In Conclusion. We need to know that every promises that we have received from God, either through our heart our mind, dreams and even prophesies from men of God, we must know that each of them has a season of actualisation, many atimes we want it done for us immediately, we become aggitative, desperate and anxious but you must know your agitations, desperations and anxieties cannot make God to rush or make God to suddenly bring his word to pass. God is a great planner and a strategic programmers, he programmes everything to work together for good, even everything we pass through during our waiting period has been ochestrated by God. We must keep our eyes on the promise, focus on the giver(God) and wait eagerly withg high hope that everything he has promised he will fulfill. Today say after me Lord I possess my appointed time in Jesus name. 4.

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